In the new version of the manual, I have added all the new features that were introduced in version 9.3 and all its patches to date (9.3 patch level 06). Use this manual when you are just learning to use SAP Business One or if you wish to implement a new module you haven’t used before. This recommendation is intentional since some areas should be more supervised than others, or require additional configuration and expertise. You may notice that some areas are not fully covered in the book but just mentioned as a topic with a brief, high-level review, or a pointer to the portal and, most commonly, recommendations to consult your implementation partner. You will find features and process overview s, as well as deep explanations on features and functions, screen shots and tips and tricks. It also covers all the functionality available with SAP Business One version for SAP HANA.

It continues by covering standard processes around sales, purchasing, inventory, opportunities and service, all the way to MRP, project managements and analytics. The book contains 15 chapter s s tarting with the essence and personality of SAP Business One, then going in to setup and administration, financials and logistics. I t gives you a good overview of business processes and how they are implemented in the software. SAP Business One … To Go is a one of a kind user manual that can be used by end users as well as consultants, developers and even executives. SAP Business One … To Go 9.3 is now available for download